The Basic of Testing and Selecting Employee

Disusun oleh : Melia AS dan Nurita Kusumastuti
If we have some company or firm, we must now How selecting employees. Because this part is very important to develop and attain the goal. If our company have right man in the right place so our company will develop quickly. In this chapter will be explaned one by one about that. Why careful selection is important??
1. Because carefully testing and screening job candidates leads to improved employee and organizational performance.
2. Your our perfomance always depends partly on your subordinates because employees who have right skill in the right place will do better job.
3. Screening can help reduce dysfunctional behaviors at work.
4. It’s costly to recruit and hire employees.

Legal Implication and Negligent Hiring.
- Negligent Hiring
Hiring workers with criminal records or other such problem without proper safeguards. The employees must make systematic effort to gain relevant information about the applicant, verify documentation, follow up in missing report and keep detailed log of all attempts to obtain information.
- Reability
Is the characteristic that refers to the consistency of scors obtain by the same person when retested with the identical or equivalent test. For example, Stephen get score 130 in the first time in this week and then he repeat that test in the next week. Actually, he get 80 in the second test. So we conclude that he has bad reability because the result is decrease.
- Validity
Any test is a sample of a person’s behavior but some test more clearly reflect the behavior you’re sampling. There are 3 validity that is criterion related validity (compare the score test with some talent aspect), content validity (employees doing specific task is needed the firm or to measure employees’s knowledge), construct validity (determine ability or characteristic for doing work).
- How to Validate a Test
In the first step is analyze the job. That  is specify human trait and skill are required for adequate job performance. Second step is choose the test. This chooise is usually based on experience, previous research, and best guesses. Third step is administer step. That is to predicate validity is the most dependable way to validate a test. Fourth step is relate scores and criteria. And the las step is cross validate and revalidate.
- Individual Right Of Test Takers And Test Security.
Test takers have various privacy and information right in the most country. They have the right to the confidentiality of the result and the right to informed consent regarding the use of these result. They have the right to expect that only people qualified to interpret the scores will have access to them or that sufficient information will accompany the scores to ensure their appropriate interpretation.

Test of cognitive abilities
Employees often want to assess a candidate’s cognitive or mental abilities. Intellegent test such as IQ test, they measure not single intellegent trait, but rather a range of ability, including memory, vocabulary, verbal fluency and numeric ability. There are also measure og spesific mental abilities. Test in this category are often called aptitude test because the aim to measure the aplicant’s aptitudefor the job in question.

Test Of Motor And Phisical Ability
There are many motor or phisical abilities to measure such as finger dexerity, strength, manual dexerity and reaction time. It measures the speed and accuracy of simple judgment as well as the speed of finger, hand and arm movement.

Measuring Personality
Physical abilities alone seldom explain his or her job performance. Other factors, such as motivation and iterpersonal skills are important too. Employees often use personality and interest test to measure and predict such intangible. Personality test measure basic aspect of an applicant’s personality, such as introversion, stability and motivation. It does not make sense to work hard on something if no one will notice :
- Definitely true
- Somewhat true
- Neither true nor false
- Somewhat false
- Definity false
Many personality test are projective, meaning that the person taking the test must interpret or react to an ambiguous stimulus such as an inkblot or clouded picture. Personalitay test particularly type are the most difficult to evaluate and use. An expert must analyze the test taker’s interpretation and reaction and infer from them his or her personality.

Personality Test Effectiveness
The difficulties notwith standing, studies confirm that personality test can help companies here more effective workers. One study focused on how these five personality dimension predicted perfomance (for instance, in terms of job and training proficiency) for profesionals, police officers, managers, sales workers and skill workers. Overall, the efidence on personality testing suggest the following : employees are increasingly using personality test. The weight of evidence is that personality measure contribute to predicting job performance.
Interest Inventiries
This is compare one’s interest with those of people in various occupation. Thus, when a person takes a strong-Campbell interest inventory, he or she received a report comparing his or her interests to those of people already in occupation such as accounting, engineering, management and medical technology.

Achievement Tests
This is basically a measure of what a person has learned. They measure our knowledge in areas such as economics, marketing or accounting.

Management Assesment Centers
A facility in which management candidates are asked to make decison in hypothetical situations and are score on their performance. There are 3 typical assesment center that is :
- The in-basket. In this exercise the candidates is faced with an accumulation of reports, memos, notes of incoming phone calls, letters and other materials collected in the basket of the simulated job he or she is to take over.
- The Leaderless Group Decision. This is given a discussion question and told to arrive at a group decision.
- Individual Presentation. A participant’s communication skills and persuasiviness ae evaluated by having the person make an oral presentation on an assigned topic.

A procedure designed to solicit information from a person’s oral responses to oral inquiris. Inteview is very importang because with respect to predicting job performance ditustional interview yield a higher mean validity than do behavioral interviews, structured interviews regardless of content are more valid than unstructured interviews for predicting job perfomance.

Snap Judgments
One consistant finding is that interviews tend to jump to conclusion make snap judgment about candidates during the first fiew minutes of the interview. In fact this often occurs even before the interview begins, based on test scores or resume data. For interviews such findings underscore why it’s important to start pff right. Interviews usually make up their minds about you during the first few minutes of the interview.

Negative Emphases
Jumping to conclision is especially troublesome given the fact that interviews also tend to have a consistant negative bias. They are generally more influenced by unforable than favorable information about the candidates. Implication is are interview remember to keep an open mind and consciously work against being preoccupied with negative impressions.

Candidate Order Error
This is mean that the order in which we see applicant effects how we rate them. The average candidate was evaluated more favorably tham he might otherwise have been because in contrast to the unfavorable candidates the average one looked better than he actually was.

Stucture The Interview
Structuring the interview assures greater consistency and also help ensure that provide real insight into how the person will perform on the job, of course in the main point of the interview and they include :
- Study the job description and base question on actual job duties.
- Use job knowledge, background, situational or behavior question foe sizing up the candidate.
- Train interview.
- Use the same question with all candidates.
- Use rating scales to rate answers if possible.
- Use multiple interview.

Close The Interview
Toward the close of the interview, have time to answer any question to candidates may have and, to advocate your firm to be candidate. Try to end all interviews on a positive note.

What to Verify
The most commonly verified background areas are legal eligibility for employment, dates of prior employment, military service, education and identification.

Collecting Background Information
There are several ways to colect background information. Most employeers at least try to directly verify an applicant’s current position, salary and employment dates with his or her current employer by phone. Many employment get background reports from commercial credit rating companies or emploment screening services. These can provide information about an applicant’s credit standing, indebtedness, reputation, characters, lifestyle and the truthfullness of the person’s application data.

Reference Check Effectiveness
Handled corectly, background check are an inexpensive and straightforward way to verify factual information about the applicant. It is not just the fear of legal reprisal that can lead to useless or missleading reference. Many supervisor don’t want to diminish a forner employee’s chances for a job.

Using Preemployment Information Services
Online data bases make it easier to chech background information about candidates. A result, numerous employment screening service such as Powerchex now use databases to conduct background check for employers.

Honesty Testing
There are 5 ways to make the tast honestly, that is :
- Polygragh test
- Paper and pencil honesty test
- Grahology
- Medical exams
- Drug sreening

Complying With Immigration Law
There are 2 basic ways prospective employees can show their eligibility for employment. One is to show a document such as passport or alien registration card containg a photograph that proves both identify and employment eligibility. Employment run the risk of accepting fraudulent documents and here they can protect themselves in several ways.

Evaluating The Selection Process
Evaluating the selection process is to evaluated the employees who have more ability or skills. We can use the background data and information some question in the interview to get the best employee and compare with other employment so we can know who is the best to join in our firm.


According to our explain in above so we can conclude that selecting employees very important to we known that for develop business or firm. There are many ways or step to get the best employees such as validity, measuring personality, achievment tests, interview etc. Beside that there are five steps in the interview include plan, establish rapport, question the candidate, close the interview and review the data.
So we can use step by step to get the best employees to enter in our company.

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